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Empowering Women: PPWLN Launches New Initiatives for Latin American Chapter; Hosts Events Supporting EXPO PACK México in Alignment with International Women's Day

CDMX, Mexico: March 8, 2024 – In celebration of International Women's Day, the Packaging & Processing Women's Leadership Network (PPWLN) announces new initiatives to support the PPWLN Latin American chapter, enhancing the scope of professional development and training for women in the Latin American packaging industry. PPWLN Latin America will host a series of webinars and a keynote session covering gender equality and diversity in the Latin American packaging industry at EXPO PACK México (June 4–7; EXPO Santa Fe, Mexico City).

PPWLN serves to recruit, retain, and advance women's careers in packaging and processing. "Tying in with the spirit of International Women's Day, we are setting a new precedent for women's roles in the packaging and processing sectors," says Celia Navarrate, EXPO PACK director. "This year’s EXPO PACK México will be pivotal, featuring a keynote session that builds upon our collective insights and strategies for female empowerment in manufacturing."

The PPWLN identifies the following key strengths, which align with the core values of International Women's Day, for the advancement of women:

Effective Communications in Different Languages: Understanding and leveraging different communication styles are vital, as women often bring a holistic perspective to problem solving that complements the traditional approaches in the workplace.

The Business Inside: Women are encouraged to deepen their business acumen. This endeavor resonates with the International Women's Day call to action for more significant equity in leadership and decision-making spaces.

Connected to an Extensive Network of Contacts: Emphasizing meaningful connections, PPWLN echoes the International Women's Day theme of collective advocacy and support for women's advancement. PPWLN emphasizes the importance of forging substantive connections that can support and enhance women's leadership roles.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence: PPWLN advocates cultivating emotional intelligence as a cornerstone of effective leadership, a skill in which women can excel in corporate environments.

Learning to Negotiate and Closing the Wage Gap: In line with International Women's Day's goal of forging a gender-equal world, negotiation skills are indispensable for women to assert their value and achieve parity in compensation, and PPWLN is dedicated to equipping women with these essential skills.

A Spanish language version of PPWLN and the OpX Leadership Network’s resource outlining these five core characteristics is available for download on expopack.com.mx.

PPWLN’s Latin American chapter webinar series began on Feb. 28, 2024, with "Salary Negotiation Techniques and Tips for Women's Advancement in the Packaging Industry." The recorded webinar is now available on the EXPO PACK México website. These webinars share knowledge and strategies that support women’s career growth and presence in the packaging and processing sectors.

The second in the PPWLN webinar series, to be held on May 8 at 10 a.m. CT, will focus on "Professional Development and Training Opportunities for Women in the Latin American Packaging Industry," with insights from Lola Moreno Pérez Palma of AMEE (Asociación Mexicana de Envase y Embalaje). Attendees will discover avenues for educational growth, network building, and leadership opportunities in the sector.

The last in the PPWLN webinar series will be held on July 17 at 10 a.m. CT and will focus on “Balancing Your Professional and Personal Life in the Packaging Industry.” Please note: All webinars will be conducted in Spanish.

Additionally, at EXPO PACK México, PPWLN will host a keynote session on Wednesday, June 5 at 11 a.m. CT, titled “Gender Equity and Diversity in the Packaging Industry in Latin America.” This panel of Latin American women leaders will discuss current issues such as balancing personal and professional life, diversity, and opportunities for learning and growth in the industry.

In honor of International Women's Day, we invite women across the industry to register for these webinars and join PPWLN at EXPO PACK México for these empowering events.

EXPO PACK México 2024 brings together key industry professionals to advance knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities. Central to this year's theme are sustainability, efficiency, automation, e-commerce, and accessibility. To register for the webinar series and secure the early registration discount for EXPO PACK México, available until May 3, go to www.expopackmexico.com.mx.